The best tacos in Toronto deliver the flavours of Mexico to hungry diners, in tempting two-bite packages. If you've ever filled up with a stellar taco as meat juices drip down to your elbow, you know they require skill and a hefty dose of finesse to get right. The ideal? Tacos that balance a wealth of savoury, zippy, creamy, crunchy toppings in each and every bite.


Here are the best tacos in Torontoto 

TacoTaco is Kensington Market's newest resident, offering upscale tacos and exotic flavours. Our menu of tacos, burritos and salad bowls, are loaded with Southern, Asian and many vegetarian flavours, fused with Mexican roots. We take pride in ensuring that all our meats are halal and nearly all our tacos are gluten-free.


Beyond our tacos, come enjoy our selection of beautiful and delicious cocktails and large sun-lit patio in the walkable, funky and hip Kensington Market